
For States and SOEs, we advise on financial aspects, from asset financing to debt restructuring.

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A unique proposition in advising governments and other sovereign entities on all their strategic, economic and financial issues.

We advise sovereigns and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) on a broad range of transactions to help them effectively manage both their financing and their state assets.

We are committed to building long-term partnerships with our clients, acting as a trusted adviser. Our clients have always appreciated our discretion and understanding of the sensitivities surrounding their transactions, keeping strictly confidential sovereign engagements.

Navigating the business world
State owned enterprise

We help sovereigns and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) attracting more international funds, leveraging on our knowledge of global investors (both public and private), and getting high stability through investment inflows leading to higher employment and economic growth rates.

We assist sovereigns in determining government financing needs and design and implement appropriate tailored financing strategies.
Our debt expertise and constant dialogue with banks, lawyers, investors, and ratings agencies provide us with an excellent overview of the market and allows us to help clients capitalise on opportunities created by favourable capital market conditions.

We advise governments on global privatisation programmes, through both M&A, IPO/secondary offering.

Improvement of operational efficiency and digitalisation of government functions. Efficient, well governed disbursement of capital under domestic and cross border investment programmes.

Develop fiscally responsible governance and institutional frameworks for SOEs, improve SOE operating and financial performance, optimise state ownership and capitalisation, restructure and privatise to support economic growth and attract foreign investment.

Our Services:

  • Budget and fiscal performance

  • Privatisation programmes, through both M&A, IPO/secondary offering

  • Liability management, including debt restructuring

  • Credit rating advisory

  • Key infrastructure project financing

  • Sovereign borrowing in public and private market

  • Identify SOEs structural inefficiencies and cost reduction

  • Definition of the ERM Map and Risk Profile

  • Implement Risk Management Strategy

  • Structure IT roadmap to achieve efficiencies and improve processes

  • AI mapping and development opportunities

  • Investor Relations

  • Capital Markets and IPOs

CPI Advisory Ltd,
7 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR