Enterprise Risk Management Advisory

Prevent or limit risks through an effective enterprise risk management strategy

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Businesses face risks due to the operating environment like economic uncertainty, geo-political instability and climate change; and risks specific of its own business and internal processes. While it’s not possible to have full control over all potential risks, companies can prevent or limit risks through an effective enterprise risk management strategy.

The process of risks identification and assessment is essential to allocate all the identified risks in a matrix based on likelihood and potential financial impact; this is a critical analysis to understand your risks and put in place a structured risk prevention strategy for your company.

Risk management needs to be fully integrated in the corporate governance of your organization, we will help you to prepare an effective risk strategy (prevention and management) that will make a difference between your company and your competitors. Remember sooner or later one or more risks identified will materialize and your enterprise risk management will become a key component for your success.

Sovereigns and state-owned enterprises
Risk Management

These services provide a robust platform to perform effective governance and oversight on people, processes and technology across business activities and service providers. We have the expertise to give you the insight, foresight and independent assurance you need to build and safeguard the value of all parts of your business. We will seek to transform the way you perceive – and navigate – risks, so you can stay at the forefront of change.

The pandemic and recent geo-political events demonstrated that even smaller businesses must consider measured and calculated responses to global risks and their potential impact. Effective enterprise risk management (ERM) is an integral part of good governance and should be seen as part of the key pillars of all successful organisations.

Ratings agencies and regulators expect companies to identify, assess and be prudent in responding to risks. Each of these entities also expects the board of directors to share in management’s responsibility for assessing and managing risk, including publishing a risk management strategy in annual reports.

How we can help your business

  • Risks Factors Identification and Assessment

  • Implement Risk Management Strategy

  • Definition of the ERM Map and Risk Profile

  • Internal Audit

Risk Management

CPI Advisory Ltd,
7 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR